The original kid jokes novel funny dirty jokes paramount jok superlative funny videos for kids well-liked clean jokes.

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Short Winter Jokes. Q: What does one get from sitting on the ice too long? A: Polaroids! Q: what is AN dig? A: A snow house while not a loo! Q: Why will it take longer to create a blonde figure than a daily one? A: you have got to hollow the pinnacle. Q: Why did Frosty the figure need a divorce? A: as a result of the thought this woman was a flake Q: obtaining employment within the Arctic within the winter is great! Why? A: once the times get short, you merely have to be compelled to work a thirty minute work week. Q: Why do seals swim in salt water? A: as a result of pepper water makes them sneeze! Q: wherever are you able to notice AN ocean with none water? A: On a map! Q: What eight letters are you able to notice in water from the Arctic Ocean? A: H to O! (0th) Q: What does one decision a gangsta snowman? A: Froze-T Q: that facet of AN Arctic lurid has the foremost feathers? A: The outside! 

For more jokes go to: LIST OF JOKES

Original kid jokes novel funny dirty jokes paramount jok superlative funny videos for kids well-liked clean jokes.



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