The breath-taking marathi jokes marvelous sexy jokes incredible funny joke astonishing short funny jokes cheerful your mama jokes.

marathi jokes

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Not extremely knowing a solution, the chief replies that the Winter was planning to be cold which the members of the village were to gather wood to be ready. Being a decent leader, he then visited following call box and known as the National Weather Service and asked, "Is this winter to be cold?" the person on the phone responded, "This Winter goes to be quite cold so." that the Chief went back to hurry up his individuals to gather even a lot of wood to be ready. per week later he was known as the National Weather Service once more, "Is it planning to be an awfully cold winter?" "Yes", the person replied, "it's planning to be an awfully cold Winter." that the Chief goes back to his individuals and orders them to travel and notice each scrap of wood they will notice. time period later he calls the National Weather Service again: "Are you fully positive that the Winter goes to be terribly cold?" "Absolutely," the person replies, "the Indians area unit collection wood like crazy!" 

For more jokes go to: LIST OF JOKES

Breath-taking Marathi jokes marvelous sexy jokes incredibly funny joke astonishing short funny jokes cheerful your mama jokes. Husband and wife dirty jokes.



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